Asset Store

u-terminal (source code included)

u-terminal free (assembly version)

Table of contents

1.Summary 2.Unity Version 3.Features 4.Example of use 5.Example of Command Definition 6.Configuration 7.Sliding controller 8.javascript


u-Terminal is like a terminal in Unix, a console in Windows, and a console window in FPS games.

Provides a REPL environment for receiving user input and outputting results.

/Unity Version

2018.4.27f1 and later 2019.4.10f1 and later 2020.1.6f1 and later


/Example of use

comp ls /GameObject
config audio.pause true
date --locale ko-KR --utc
obj ls / --recursive
info productName
resolution --full
scene --list

/Example of Command Definition

Base command definition

[CommandSummary("Exit the application.")]
public class ExitCommand : TerminalCommandBase
    public ExitCommand(ITerminal terminal)
        : base(terminal)

    [CommandPropertyRequired(DefaultValue = 0)]
    [CommandSummary("Specifies the exit code. The default is 0.")]
    public int ExitCode { get; set; }

    protected override void OnExecute()
        UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying = false;

Base usage



Register field information to be used as configuration

public class TestConfiguration : MonoBehaviour
    private float value = 0;
    private ConfigurationSystem configSystem = null;

    private void Awake()
        if (this.configSystem != null)
            this.configSystem.AddConfig(new FieldConfiguration("test.value", this, nameof(value)) { DefaultValue = this.value });

How to use configurations in a terminal


/Sliding controller

default key : ctrl + `



javascript content is not included in the asset.

The figure below is implemented using the jint library.
