Table of contents

1.Structure 2.Terminal creation 3.Mutiple Terminal creation 4.Change style 5.Slide terminal 6.Change dock


┃ ┣TerminalLayout[TerminalDockController]
┃ ┃ ┗Terminal[Terminal, TerminalGrid, CommandContextHost]
┃ ┃   ┣TerminalBackground
┃ ┃   ┃TerminalCursor
┃ ┃   ┃TerminalForeground
┃ ┃   ┃TerminalComposition
┃ ┃   ┗TerminalScrollbar
┃ ┗ KeyboardLayout

/Terminal creation

Execute the menu below in the hierarchy window.

GameObject -> UI -> Terminals -> Terminal Full - Commands

Creation menus

/Mutiple terminal creation

/Change style

Change style in the ‘TerminalGrid’ component of a ‘Terminal’ GameObject.


Change style using the ‘style’ command in the terminal during play

/Slide terminal

You can change the settings in the ‘TerminalSlidingController’ component of the ‘TerminalRoot’ GameObject.

/Change dock

Change dock in the ‘TerminalDockController’ component of a ‘TerminalLayout’ GameObject.


Change dock using the ‘terminal dock’ command in the terminal during play